Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

This was the best movie ever!! I loved it. I cannot wait till part 2 comes out so the story will be finished, I feel like I am just hanging. I recommend this movie for anyone who enjoys Harry Potter. So far the movies have been good but they have also been somewhat of a disappointment. I I say that because they are always leaving things out of the movies.The third one was the worst, they left out some important stuff and added some really lame random stuff. They decided to do the last Harry Potter movie in two parts because they didn't want to leave anything out. In my opinion they should have done that from the beginning, but no one asked me. I am glad they are at least doing it with the last one. The movie was amazing, the effects were great and the acting in my opinion improved. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are working on finding all the horcruxes. Its exciting and very well done. When I first heard they were going to do it in two parts, I worried about how they would end part 1. I thought it would be dumb cause it would just end in the middle of something. I was wrong they picked a very good spot to end it. It was perfect, it still leaves you hanging but it still looks like an ending for a movie. I wont spoil the ending for anyone in case someone has not seen the movie yet, and if thats the case go and see it, its worth it. I loved the movie, by far my favorite Harry Potter movie. I give it an A+

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